The House Natural Resources Committee has approved by voice vote, Congresswoman Aumua Amata Radewagen’s “Ensuring Access to Pacific Fisheries Act,” giving American Samoa a greater say in fishery management in the Western and Central Pacific. KHJ News Washington D.C. correspondent Matt Kaye reports—
Radewagen says her bill, cosponsored with Insular subcommittee chair Don Young of Alaska, will do exactly what its title says—
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Radewagen’s bill, that had bipartisan committee support, would enable the US to take part in high seas fishery decisions made outside preexisting management agreements, such as the Magnuson-Stevens Act.
The bill’s third title ensures access to traditional fishing grounds, but makes other changes, as well…
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The congresswoman complains, science has take a “back seat” to fisheries negotiations in recent years, and that must end.
Radewagen says her bill will help, and urges its passage ahead of the WCPFC’s key advisory committee meeting in October.