Congressional Office farewells Director


The Director of the Field Office for Congresswoman Uifaatali Amata, High Chief Pulu Ae Ae Jr., is leaving the position as he campaigns for public office.

Pulu is the Lt. Governor running mate to Candidate for Governor Pulaalii Nikolao Pula.

Congresswoman Uifa’atali, Chief of Staff Leafaina Tavai, and the rest of the congressional office in Fagatogo said their farewells to HC Pulu as he made his departure yesterday.

The staff gathered for dinner at Sadie’s by the Sea and gave remarks reminiscing on Pulu’s nearly ten years service in the congressional office, and working with him.

Congresswoman Uifaatali said, “My first two hires, before my first official day in Congress, were Chief of Staff Leafaina Tavai and High Chief Pulu, both Army Veterans, and I’ve often said they were the best decisions I could have made in serving our people.”

She added, “I know that Pulu was moved by the things that were said to him by our team. I was honored to express my appreciation and friendship, and that I know he is relying on faith as he has made his decision, and he’s at peace with that decision. It’s been a blessing to work with him, and it won’t seem quite the same without him there. I believe he felt blessed by all the expressions that were made by our team about our time together.”