ASTA presents gifts to Governor’s Office


The American Samoa Tennis Association (ASTA) on Tuesday, presented gifts of appreciation to the Office of the Governor for their invaluable partnership and support of the just concluded 2024 Oceania Tennis Federation (OTF) Pacific Nations Cup.

ASTA President Florence Wasko expressed gratitude on behalf of the ASTA board and Association.

“The feedback we’ve received from the various athletes, delegations, and officials has been overwhelmingly positive and we’ve been told that the hospitality of our Territory has set the standard for the Pacific Nations Cup in the region. Its success was made possible through a community-wide effort that includes the American Samoa Government, specifically the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor,” she said.

Acting Governor Laapui Talauega E. V. Ale received the tokens of appreciation that included a Pacific Nations Cup Official shirt, personalized his and her t-shirts for the Governor, First Lady, Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Ale, Pacific Nations Cup flasks, souvenirs and framed photos of the Pacific Nations Cup delegations.

Acting Governor Laapui commended ASTA and the organizing committee: “Well done to you all for your efforts in organizing this event and allowing the Administration to showcase our commitment to the development of sports tourism in the Territory and to provide the exposure for our young local talent and athletes in American Samoa. In the last year, we’ve been able to host softball tournaments and now tennis and we hope to host more in the near future, including our bid for 2029 Pacific Mini-Games.”