US Committed to Indo-Pacific Long-Term, COFA Key


Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell says the US is committed to the Indo-Pacific for the long haul, and the Compacts of Free Association demonstrates US staying power in the region.

Details from KHJ News Washington DC correspondent Matt Kaye…

Campbell told the Council on Foreign Relations the US will be a long-term partner to Pacific Island nations in its pivot to the region to counter China’s growing influence and alliances with Russia, Iran and North Korea…

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Largely due to China’s intent to reshape the world order and the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.

 But Campbell in his keynote speech told US officials and strategists that the US is ‘staying the course’ in the Indo-Pacific with agreements like the Compacts of Free Association or COFA…

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The $7 billion 20-year COFA renewal, including $7 million OIA just announced this week for Palau, took over a year to negotiate and months to fund.

But it finally became law earlier this year with the help of key lawmakers like Indo-Pacific Task Force Chair Uifa’atali Amata…

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  …showing the US’ chief Pacific adversary China, that it won’t get a free ride in the ‘Blue Continent’…

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 …including, of course, American Samoa…by providing US military access and basing rights in the COFA nations.

Some in the FAS warned they might have to turn to the Chinese Communists for economic support and political patronage.

But Campbell says the US has stepped up its game, hosting numerous meetings with regional partners including AIPAC leaders, and expanded the array of nations committed to a “free and open Pacific.”