LDS volunteers build facilities for SVSG


Volunteers from a nonprofit organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Humanitarian Experience Group, are building a medical facility and counseling center for the Samoa Victims Support Group.

Five different teams are working on different phases of the project for which construction began five weeks ago.

Local foreman, Setu Faualo, told Samoa Observer that they were ahead of schedule.

“Every team has a specific goal. Such as one team completed the plinth foundation work, while the third team is currently constructing the beams and columns and waiting on the remaining two teams to complete the finishing touches and roofing,” he said.

The visitors said this means more to them and to every individual who gave up time and money to contribute to this valuable venture.

“The greatest joy of this project, is experiencing these kids give all they have to make this work,” said Shad Paskett.

“The, especially, beneficial thing about doing this is that it aligns with the theme, which is “Love God, Love People.” When we serve others, we are also serving God, and miracles happen as we do so.”

Photo: Samoa Observer