US House advances Pacific Partnership Act


The US House passed the Pacific Partnership Act Monday, to promote peace, security and prosperity in the region, but still respect the sovereignty and independence of island nations. KHJ News Washington DC correspondent Matt Kaye reports…

The legislation the Senate must still take up, was a clear signal US policymakers recognize Washington must meet the challenge China poses in the Pacific or risk more nations like the Solomons falling under PRC influence.

Congresswoman and original cosponsor of the Pacific Partnership Act, Uifa’atali Amata…

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The Pacific Partnership Act and a separate bill Amata authored to ensure US export controls can be used effectively against malign actors who try to steal US trade secrets, passed by voice vote.

The Pacific Partnership bill requires the US to develop and expand policies that promote “peace, security and prosperity” for all Pacific nations that respect the sovereignty of others.

And, to preserve and strengthen “maritime economic growth…sustainable development…resilience to natural disasters…cultural heritage” and the goals of regional groups like the PIF, including the Strategy for the Pacific Blue Continent.

Bill sponsor and Hawaii Congressman Ed Case…

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The Pacific Partnership Act calls for the President to submit to Congress a “Strategy for Pacific Partnership,” covering military and economic threats to the Pacific Islands, and IUU fishing.

Finally, it calls on the President to establish a formal process to consult with regional allies and coordinate programs for the islands…and agency reporting on transnational crime and international fisheries management.