Village mayor in Samoa calls for unity in drug war


The mayor of Faleatiu, Matagi Tufanua Pati, has called for a united and comprehensive approach to address the troubling rise in illicit drug use across Samoa.

Samoa Observer reports Matagi also highlighted the importance of integrating traditional customs and community-led initiatives into the fight against drug abuse.

He said the surge in drug-related incidents has become a grave issue and highlighted that Faleatiu has increasingly come under scrutiny due to numerous police raids targeting illegal drugs, particularly cannabis.

As the village grapples with the rising prevalence of methamphetamine, Matagi expressed deep concern over its detrimental impact on the youth.

“The effects on our young people are heartbreaking. Many of them have strayed from their responsibilities and lost their way. They are the future of our community, and seeing them in such distress is profoundly upsetting,” he said.

The village has partnered with the Ministry of Police and Prisons, implementing curfews and monitoring the comings and goings of individuals to detect and prevent drug-related activities.

While acknowledging the limitations of their actions—such as not being permitted to inspect vehicles—Matagi emphasized their commitment to vigilance and community involvement.

The village mayor said while government measures are crucial, it is imperative that we, as leaders of our families and communities, take a proactive role.

“We must educate our children, enforce village bylaws, and support government efforts to address this issue effectively,” he said.

Photo: Samoa Observer