Should director running in House election resign?


Should a member of the cabinet running for public office resign?

The Chief Procurement Officer Ti’alemasunu Dr. Mikaele Etuale is a candidate in the House of Representatives election for Tuala-uta.

KHJ News asked the Governor’s Chief of Staff Loa Tuimavave Laupola, if the CPO should step down from his cabinet position given he is running in the House election.

The Governor’s legal counsel Terry VanEaton responded: “The Governor and the CPO are currently discussing the best path forward for both ASG and the CPO. The head of the Office Procurement plays a pivotal role within ASG. Yet, the Governor fully understands the desire of those who want to serve their communities as elected Representatives.”

After candidate for Lt. Governor Maefau Dr. Mary Lauagaia Taufetee announced that she was running, her contract was terminated by Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga. This happened in June. Dr. Taufetee was Deputy Director of the American Samoa council on Arts, Culture and Humanities and her contract was valid up to September.