School may be closed by police due to fights


A prominent all-boys college in Samoa may be closed by the police for their continuous involvement in brawls after school at the Savalalo Bus Terminal.

Samoa Observer reports Police Commissioner Auapaau Logoitino Filipo has issued a warning to students of schools involved in recent fights in town, expressing deep concern over their persistent instigation of violence and disruption in public spaces.

“It’s disheartening to see these students continue to incite violence, impacting innocent bystanders and their peers.”

Auapa’au confirmed that a Maluafou College student was hospitalized due to the violence.

The commissioner highlighted that the schools in question were previously warned about similar incidents last week.

He said that investigations indicate students from Saint Joseph’s College were at the center of the latest altercation.

“This school consistently seems to be at the heart of these public fights,” he remarked, asserting that decisive action is necessary.

He is now considering recommending the school’s closure if the behavior does not change.