LBJ Hospital Records $1.4 Million Deficit


The LBJ Hospital incurred a $1.4 million deficit, that is expenses outpacing revenues for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2016.

The LBJ’s first quarter performance reports shows revenues of $9.9 million while expenses amounted to $12.4 million.

Salaries was the biggest expense item, $6.8 million or 55% of operating expenses, staring at $2.4 million in October and sliding down to $2.2 million in November and to $2.1 million in December.

KHJ News is requesting how much of the personnel costs goes to administration vs patient care.

The hospital spent much less on supplies, services and equipment related to patient care.

Pharmaceutical supplies totaled $3 million, or 24% of expenses, an item labeled “minor equipment” came to $366,000, off island medical care totaled $106,800 and another expense listed as travel excluding off island medical care was nearly $50,000.

Purchased services was another big expense: $656,063, professional services is listed at $70,707 and utilities was about $367,000.

On the revenue side, Medicaid brought in $4.3 million for the quarter or 44% of the income, the DOI subsidy was $1.5 million, local collections, that is hospital fees, raised $1.5 million, the ASG subsidy which is supposed to be half a million per month, was $1 million for the three month period, and the 2% wage tax that ASG pays to LBJ was just over $1 million.

It was during this reporting period that LBJ had a visit from the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services to check on the hospital which is still under review by the agency from a previous visit.

A report on the CMS visit had not been received by January 31st.

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