Samoa’s Prime Minister, Tuila’epa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, has criticised the principal, teachers and parents of Avele College students for failing to stop the ongoing violence, which has led to 22 students being charged over the fights.
In his weekly radio programme, Tuilaepa said Cabinet had no other option but to shut down Avele College and suspend the principal and teachers pending the outcome of a police investigation.
He said the investigation would also be looking into whether any teachers had incited students to start the brawl.
Tuilaepa also blamed the fighting on what he called foreign ways of disciplining children which are supported by some people in Samoa.
He said there are biblical teachings to apply such as ‘spare the rod, spoil the child.’
The 22 students faced with charges were from Avele and Malua Fou College as well as the USP Alafua Campus and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints College at Pesega.