KVZK-TV’s Channel 4 has been running only on cable and not on free to air via the transmitter site at Mt. Alava for more than a month now.
Channel 4 is the government station’s NBC channel.
Office of Public Information KVZK-TV Director Fagafaga Daniel Langkilde says the studio to transmitter decoder was burned out during a power outage on Mt. Alava awhile back.
According to the director, accessibility to the transmitter site is the main reason why there’s a delay in regretting the channel back on air.
He says with all the rain we have been getting, the road to Mt Alava is dangerously muddy with some points being just wide enough for one vehicle and steep drops on both sides.
The tv station is currently working with Public Works to fix the road to Mt. Alava so the transmitter site can be accessed and the burned decoder fixed.
NBC programming is being aired on Channel 5 together with CBS programming.
Director Fagafaga thanks the public for their patience and understanding while Channel 4 is down.