DMWR driver in hospital, truck in the ocean


An employee of the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources in Ofu, Manu’a is in hospital but the department truck he was driving last evening, is at the bottom of the sea under the Ofu Olosega Bridge.

Reports from Manu’a  say the truck was driven off the bridge by the DMWR employee, and alcohol and speed may have been factors in the accident.

Reached this afternoon, Director of DMWR Vaamua Henry Sesepasara said he only learned about the incident at a cabinet meeting today.

He had not received a report and was still trying to get information from Manu’a.

Vaamua said the employee is a data collector for Ofu and Olosega and was in his late 20s or early 30’s.

According to the director the employee was medivaced to LBJ Hospital today.