Tafuna High School Principal Tutuila Togilau has good news to share with students, parents and staff.
Tafuna High School received a letter from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges to confirm a six year accreditation for the Home of the Warriors.
WASC accreditation is evidence that the school is a trustworthy institution for student learning and committed to ongoing improvement.
A June 20 letter from Commission chairperson Stephen Cathers to Principal Togilau said it’s the decision of the commission to grant six year accreditation status with a mid cycle two day visit through June 30, 2024 to Tafuna.
Tafuna is required to prepare a mid cycle progress report for the mid cycle visit.
The report and visit should demonstrate:
- that the school has addressed the critical areas for follow up through the schoolwide action plan;
- the school has made appropriate progress on the implementation of the schoolwide action plan;
- and improved student achievement relative to the schoolwide learner outcomes and the academic standards.
Principal Togilau said, “I know all of our students, staff, parents and all the stakeholders who worked so hard to prepare for our accreditation visit deserve to know this. I’m very humbled and pleased with the results.”
Tafuna, Fagaitua, Leone, Manu’a High School and Faasao Marist High School were visited by WASC in May.
Fagaitua High School Principal Suaese Pooch Taase announced earlier this week that Fagaitua has been granted a full term accreditation.