The voters of Manu’a District No 2.- Ofu, Olosega and Sili decided that their seat in the House of Representatives will be held by a candidate who resides in the district as opposed to one who lives on Tutuila.
Tiaoali’i Fauagiga Sai, with his wife Fuatino Anetipe Malae, reside in Ofu.
He is the son of the late Tuanu’utele Sai of Ofu and Mrs. Agaaletaua Tigilau Sai of Ta’u.
He joined the American Samoa Army Reserve and is a veteran of the Iraq War.
He got out for medical reason and has been staying in Ofu ever since, operating a fishing business.
In Tuesday’s election he polled 161 votes, 80 more than the second vote getter, Sualevai Nofoaiga Sualevai. The other two candidates were Leautu Segila Vaeao and Moegu Calvin Tagaloa.
Tiaoalii replaces Toeaina Faufano Autele the only incumbent who didn’t seek re-election.
Toeaina told KHJ News he is sure glad a permanent resident of the district like himself, has won the privilege of representing Ofu, Olosega & Sili in the Fono.