Yesterday we reported about the break in at Tafuna Elementary School in which 18 laptop computers two Smart Board speakers, an external drive and USB charger for an iMAC desktop computer were stolen.
Classrooms were also vandalized.
The good news is that a suspect was arrested yesterday and 17 of the stolen laptops , the speakers, external drive and charger have been recovered.
Another laptop computer which was among the stolen loot was labeled property of DOE but was not inventoried to Tafuna Elementary.
And it’s information from the students of the school themselves that resulted in what would be perhaps the fastest solved case of the Department of Public Safety.
Kudos also to the Acting Principal Lita Manase who quickly called an assembly to inform the faculty and students of the breakin and what was stolen and encouraging anyone with information that would lead to the suspects and the stolen laptops to come forward.
It was information from a few students that led police to the suspect who is a high school student.
Director of Education, Dr Ruth Matagi Tofiga said, “This is a great example of school leadership and DPS working together, and as a result the culprit has been apprehended and the stolen laptops have been recovered.
“Manase should be applauded for her leadership and working together with DPS.”
Manase extends her appreciation to police officers Levao, Faiai, Mata’u and the Department of Public Safety for working on this case the whole day yesterday.
She is grateful for the communication between DPS and their school throughout the day with constant updates on their investigation.
The acting school principal is also grateful to the immediate response from the Public Works/DOE Maintenance Division who arrived at the school campus as soon as they were contacted, to replace and repair window frames and louvers that were removed during the break in.
She’s also thankful for the cooperation and support from school staff and students.
The DOE Director said the suspect is a student who is now placed on indefinite suspension.
There’s suspicion that the suspect and other students were the ones who broke into Tafuna High School last month.
The director said, “This student needs help, he has been referred numerous times to Social Services, he is not doing well in school, skipping classes.”
His parents were also informed by the school to help their son.
Dr. Ruth Matagi Tofiga said a security plan for Tafuna Elementary was discussed with the acting principal and Vice Principal Ifopo and DOE Deputy Director Fa’aui Vaitautolu.
She said security measures will be in place, though she did not give details.
She pointed out that security cameras are now installed in all local high schools and DOE is working on doing the same with elementary schools.
She thanked businessman Al Palmer for assisting DOE is getting these surveillance cameras installed.
The director also called on parents for support, urging that they spend time and talk with their children, and know their problems.
She said lack of parental involvment is one of the causes of children turning to illegal anti social behavior and it s costly to the department.