Since the beginning of this week, we’ve been experiencing extreme king tides. And in some coastal areas, parts of the road, driveways and graves have been submerged in sea water.
King tides occur when the earth, moon and sun are aligned, resulting in the largest tidal range seen over the course of a year.
Georgia Coward, Coral Reef Ecologist at the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources said that this is the highest she’s seen the tide rise.
“Pretty dramatic, higher than last year,” she said.
In parts of Coconut Point, Nu’uuli, front yards have been covered in sea water. Graves were completely under water.
Parks and Recreation staff, with the help of Summer Youth Employment Program participants, were out this morning cleaning trash that was washed up by the waves and littering all along Lions Park.
Near the former Comsat Station, the sea reached close to the road early this week.
And it brought with it a lot of trash, everything from cans to styrofoam and bottles.
Sulami Keil, who was supervising about 30 SYEP participants, said this was the farthest the sea had reached that she’s witnessed.
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