Second shipment of oxygen for Samoa


The Samoa patrol boat Nafanua II arrived this morning on its second trip in three days to get another shipment of oxygen as the number of measles cases continues to soar and claiming more than 30 lives so far.

Local oxygen supplier Industrial Gases is having to fire up its plant at Tafuna to meet the demand from Samoa and also making sure that there’s enough in reserve for the LBJ Hospital.

Company President Peter Crispin says they try to keep 1,000 cylinders on hand.

The Nafanua took 96 filled oxygen cylinders Sunday and Crispin  wasn’t sure how many of the empties the vessel brought back this morning.

The company ‘s gas plant at Tafuna works on one week of production 24/7 then shuts down the next week.  But with the demand from Samoa it has had to fire up its plant and fill the empties.

Samoa also has an industrial gas plant however it has limited capacity .

Crispin said this is an emergency situation and their company is responding to the need, while at the same time making sure that there are enough supplies on hand for the territory.

The Nafunua is scheduled to return to Apia this afternoon.

Meanwhile Hawaii’s Lt Governor Josh Green has reached out to Governor Lolo Moliga who is still in Honolulu to find out what type of assistance is needed by Samoa.

The communication was made through ASG Consultant Muliufi Hannemann.

The Governor’s Executive Assistant Iulogologo Joseph Pereira said he had connected with Director of Health Director Motusa Tuileama Nua, being the primary coordinator for assistance to Samoa to find out the current priority needs in Samoa so he could relay this information to Hannemann.

Governor Lolo has appointed Hannemann to work with Hawaii Lt. Governor Josh Green on potential assistance to Samoa.

Iulogologo said Governor Lolo has expressed appreciation to Lt. Governor Green for his great sensitivity and compassion over the health crisis being faced by Samoa.

Photo: Newsline Samoa