Some are wondering why CBS programs have been missing from KVZK-TV and Moana TV programming.
Office of Public Information/KVZK-TV Director Tuimavave Tauapai Laupola said their CBS feed comes via the American Samoa Hawaii Cable. However BlueSky has advised that their system in Honolulu is currently down.
Tuimavave says KVZK is working on alternative ways beside the ASH Cable to transmit the CBS feed while BlueSky is resolving the fault in Honolulu.
BlueSky Country Manager Raj Deo said in response to KHJ News questions that an encoder in Hawaii stopped working due to a power surge.
Efforts to recover the unit were not successful.
A unit was sent from here last Thursday but it was not compatible so a new encoder is needed.
BlueSky has placed an order to procure the replacement unit and it takes a week to acquire it said Mr Deo. He said as soon as it arrives their team in Hawaii will replace it.
Mr Deo assured that BlueSky is pouring all efforts to recover this service and apologizes for the inconvenience.