As some countries around the world are imposing restrictions on live animal imports from China, the Samoa Minister of Agriculture says his ministry is closely monitoring Chinese agriculture related imports in light of the coronavirus.
Samoa Observer reports that Lopao’o Natanielu Mua said so far there have been no restrictions imposed on imports from coronavirus affected countries
Indonesia is leading the way in the Asia Pacific region with temporary stop on live animal imports from China and is already looking to ban other products as coronavirus spreads fear of infections.
The Samoa Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour told the newspaper the Ministry of Health is the authority to deal with concerns over the quality of imported food, especially meat.
Chief Executive Officer of MCIL said his ministry is only responsible for monitoring trade practices once the products have reached the country but he did not discount possibility of bans imposed as the coronavirus continues to put lives at risk.
“But at the moment there has been no such warning on that,” he said.