Bloomberg & Gabbard appeal for local support


Tomorrow is Super Tuesday and two Democratic presidential hopefuls billionaire Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard have paid air time to make themselves known prior to the American Samoa Democratic Party’s Caucus tomorrow at the Samoa Sports Center (former Bowling Alley) to vote on who they will back.

Bloomberg is perhaps the first presidential candidate to open a local office, with a representative from Democratic Party headquarters Brendan McCoy manning an office at the Nu’uuli Theater building.

Bloomberg billboards and Tshirts were first seen on the island last week.

The campaign organized an Educators and Learners for Mike Bloomberg with the ASCC Political Science Club , an Educators Forum  and also a clean up of Lions Park.

The Bloomberg campaign has also bought radio ads promoting the former New York City mayor,

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Hawaii Congresswoman, American Samoa-born Tulsi Gabbard has circulated a video on YouTube appealing to American Samoan Democrats to vote for her to be the presidential nominee at the national convention.

Rep. Gabbard gives a hearty Talofa at the start of the video and gives thanks to “le Atua” for sparing American Samoa during the recent tropical storms.

She says she was born at LBJ Hospital in Fagaalu, her dad Mike Gabbard now a Hawaii state senator taught at Fagaitua and Samoana High Schools as well as the American Samoa Community College while her mother was a speech therapist at the Department of Education.

She says some will remember her grandmother Pako Gabbard’s tasty pies which she sold from her seaside store at Leloaloa.

Gabbard also highlights that she is a member of the Hawaii National Guard and has done two tours in the Iraqi war where she served alongside Bravo and Charlie companies.

She said she knows the price of war and as commander-in-chief she will stop wasteful spending on wars.

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The Territorial Democratic Caucus starts at 6am with registration, the Caucus is from 9am to noon and from 1-2 pm is the delegate selection for the 2020 DNC.