First suspected COVID-19 case in Samoa, negative


The first suspected case of Coronavirus in Samoa Has been cleared of the disease.

Samoa Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi announced last night that the result of samples sent to New Zealand for female patient, was negative.

He also announced that six other samples from patients who had been tested were negative. The results for two remaining patients have yet to be received.

The young woman who was the first suspected case had traveled from Auckland, New Zealand to celebrate her 21st birthday in Samoa. She presented at the national hospital in Samoa with symptoms of COVID-19 on Wednesday.

She was admitted and put in isolation while samples were sent off to Australia and New Zealand.

The naming of the young woman by the Samoa Observer newspaper resulted in backlash for the young woman and her family.

The other patients who were tested for coronavius are reported by the Ministry of Health to be in isolation at the national hospital at Motootua.

“These cases have a history of travel to or contact with a relative who had traveled to Australia, Fiji, New Zealand or Spain and then had flu-like symptoms upon return to Samoa,” said MOH.

The results of six of these patients have now turned out to be negative for COVID-19. And the nation is now awaiting th results for two of them.

In his announcement of the test results last night, the PM also said that American Samoa has requested that Samoa allow a flight(s) on the now closed inter-Samoa route so that American Samoan citizens and residents who are now stranded in Apia can return home.

The group includes ministers of the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa.

The PM said the request has been referred to the Disaster Advisory Committee.

Governor Lolo Moliga had told a meeting of church leaders yesterday that he had received a call from the President of Kanana Fou requesting his intervention on behalf of about ten ministers who were stranded in Samoa when flights between the two Samoa were suspended.

He said that a request has been made to PM Tuilaepa.

All day yesterday there were no flights from Samoa but Samoa Airways and Talofa.

An amended decoration of emergency issued by the Samoa Government last night still included the suspension of flights to American Samoa.