The family of one of the two firemen who survived the tragic accident which killed two firefighters yesterday is requesting that he be medivaced for treatment off island.
The two survivors were at the back of the fire truck which crashed into the mountainside while returning from a call about a fire in Afono.
The family of fireman Tinei Fonoigafo is working with government authorities on a possible medivac to New Zealand. The other survivor, Mathew Paopao, is reported to have been released from hospital.
A former DPS official has told KHJ News he was surprised to see that the big fire truck was used to respond to the call from Afono.
He said the smaller bumpoer truck would’ve been more suitable for the terrain of the fire scene. No information could be obtained about the fire in Afono.
The source said the fire divison has suffered from a lack of equipment and maintenance funds for years, and the situation hasn’t improved for decades.
He expressed sadness about the deaths of the two firemen Capts Allen Talofa Velega and Mike Tipoti, whom he said were among the best and most experienced in the fire department.