The palolo made an appearance last night but was weak/vaivai according to those who went out on boats and those doing palolo watch duty on the beach after midnight last night.
Candyman of Alega Beach said about 100 people came out and around 1:30 am just a few blue and brownish strips of palolo were spotted.
There were hopes that this light showing would herald a heavy rise later on but that didn’t eventuate. Still those who were at Alega enjoyed waiting for the palolo with their children, said Candyman.
“Everyone had a good time. No one was drinking and they didn’t leave any trash behind,” he said.
According to him they’ll be out again tonight to check on the delicacy, and if it does rise, he predicts it would be around the same time, 1:30 am.
“Hopefully they’ll be a bit of wind to push it to shore,” said Candyman.
Taupau Tauleave Toluono sent a fishing boat to fish for palolo near the airport and the result was the same as what Candyman reported from Alega. A weak rise.
From Ofu, Manu’a Will Thompson said that the palolo was watery and fishers will be out again tonight.

Palolo hunters in Savaii early this morning
There were mixed reports from Samoa. From Savaii, hunters who fished for palolo on the beach said there was some palolo but not enough for a good size ofu.
But those who were on boats were richly rewarded. One businessman said that he was able to fill two large size coolers.
The palolo also made a showing in Upolu but the rise was light.