Speaker appoints committee chairs and vice chairs


Yesterday the Speaker of the House Savali Talavou Ale confirmed the House Committee assignments for the 37th Legislature.

Only the committee chairmen and vice chairmen of the were appointed while members are to be finalized before the start of the first regular session on Monday.

The chairs and vice chairs pretty much control which bills advance in both the House and Senate.

House Rules Committee

Chairman: Vice Speaker Fetui Fetu
Vice Chair: Vaetasi Tuumolimoli Moliga

Budget & Appropriations Committee
Chairman: Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi retains the chairmanship
Vice Chair: Faimealelei Anthony Fu’e Allen

Sai Tiaoalii & Lavea Fatulegae’e Mauga

Ways & Means Committee
Chairman: Lavea Fatulegaee P. Mauga
Vice Chair: Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi

Government Operations Committee
Chairman: Faimealelei Anthony Fu’e Allen
Vice Chair: Manumaua Wayne Wilson

Education & Scholarships Committee
Chairman: Vailoata Amituana’i who did not get a committee chairmanship let alone membership in the last legislature because he did not support Savali Talavou Ale in the speaker’s election.
Vice Chair: freshman lawmaker Manavaalofa Tutuila Manase

Health Committee
Chairwoman:Andra Tereise Samoa, who missed out on a chairmanship or membership of any committee in the last legislature for the same reason that Vailoata wasn’t selected.
Vice Chair: Logoituau Mark Atafua

Legal Affairs/Judiciary Committee
Chairman: Vaetasi Tuumolimoli Moliga
Vice Chair: Larry Sanitoa, another faipule who didn’t vote for Savali as speaker in the last Fono and therefore was passed over for committee membership and chairmanship.

Ape Mike Asifoa

Public Safety/Local Government/Youth & Women’s Affairs Committee
Chairman: Freshman lawmaker Avagafono Vaimaga Maiava, a former Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety.
Vice Chair: Luaitaua Gene Pan

Homeland Security Committee
Chairman: Luaitaua Gene Pan
Vice Chair: Su’a Alexander Jennings

Communications Committee

Chairman: Logoituau Mark Atafua who chaired the same committee in the last legislature
Vice Chair: Vailoata Amituana’i

Human & Social Services Committee
Chairman: Su’a Alexander Jennings
Vice Chair: Avagafono Vaimaga Maiava

Public Works/Parks & Recreation Committee
Chairman: Manumaua Wayne Wilson
Vice Chair: freshman lawmaker Ape Mike Asifoa

Alumamalu Ale Filoialii

ASPA Committee
Chairman: freshman lawmaker Alumamalu Ale Filoialii
Vice Chair: Titialii Kitara Vaiau

Public Safety/Local Government/Youth & Women’s Affairs Committee
Chairman: Tiaoalii Sai
Vice Chair: Andra Tereise Samoa

Agriculture/Marine & Wildlife/Forestry Committee
Chairman: freshman lawmaker Ape Mike Asifoa
Vice Chairman: Su’a Alexander Jennings

Commerce, Economic Development/Retirement Committee
Chairman: Samuel Meleisea who was chairman of the same committee in the last Fono
Vice Chair: Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi

Territorial Administration on Aging Committee
Chairman: Titialii Kitara Vaiau
Vice Chair: Lavea Fatulegae’e Mauga

The only House Representative who was not selected as a chair or vice chair of any House Committee is Vesiai Poyer Samuelu. Vesiai was one of four House members who didn’t vote for Savali in the election of Speaker in the last legislature.