Lynn Pulou Alaimalo is the new Director of the American Samoa Government’s hiring. firing and training department, Human Resources.
The House of Representatives confirmed her nomination by a vote of 16-3 this morning, after a more than two hour hearing.
The Senate confirmed her more than three weeks ago.
Representatives made it known to the nominee that they had received letters and phone calls both for and against her confirmation. She was generally praised and commended for her resume and most lawmakers gave advice rather than questions.
The Chairman of the House Government Operations Committee, Rep Faimealelei Anthony Allen who led the hearing said he had been questioned why her confirmation was delayed. He said had it been held earlier, he wondered how it would have ended.
Rep Vailiuama Steve Leasiolagi said he met with Pulou Alaimalo twice because he wanted to hear from her directly about some of the allegations against her.
He pointed to the governor’s orders to rollback salaries, promotions and conversions from contract to career service which did not follow the law.
He asked the nominee about allegations that she’s rolled back salaries of some but not those who are close to her.
Pulou Alaimalo said the rollbacks started from those at the top because they were the ones that received the highest pay increases. She added this is the group that are complaining.
However she saw that young employees were only earning below the Dept of Labor wage rates. Some were making $10,000 or $11,000 when they should be earning $12,000. These salaries were increased and were not rolled back,
Vailiuama told her he would question her integrity if she rolled back the salaries of those who didn’t support Lemanu and not touch supporters of the administration. He said the governor’s orders should be applied fairly and equally.
The small House chamber was packed with Dept of Human Resources employees and relatives and supporters of the new director.
More on the confirmation hearing in other news bulletins.