Lima Street will be part of Nu’uuli Vo-Tech campus


The location of ASG housing units at Lions Park will become part of the expanded campus for Nu’uuli Vocational Technical High School as well as new offices for the Dept. of Education (DOE). This is according to the Director of Administrative Services Afalava Eliki Afalava whose department looks after government buildings.

Several homes on Lima Street, some of which were newly renovated, are being demolished this week. The tenants, which include doctors and teachers, were first told that they have to move by the end of March. However, they were informed last week that they need to move out by tomorrow.

The Administrative Services Director confirmed this is what happened. He said all of the affected tenants have been offered assistance for housing and all have agreed to move out by tomorrow while the demolition work is carried out. He said the expansion of the Nuuuli Vo-Tech campus and new buildings for the Dept. of Education are needed.

New DOE buildings were to be constructed on the lower campus of Tafuna High School. However, after protests by parents, students and alumni of the school, those plans were shelved. One of the buildings to be constructed is a new headquarters for DOE.

The LBJ Hospital which renovated several of the units being demolished on Lima Street is scrambling to save some of the materials before the bulldozers move in.