FAST:24 HRPP:24 Independent:1


9:26 pm:Samoa could have a change in government  by the end of tonight.

With a few more constituencies to report final results, the Faatuatua i le  Atua Samoa Ua Tasi (FAST) Party has clinched 24 of the 49 seats in Parliament. 

HRPP has also won 24 seats. Independent candidate, Tuala Joe Ponifasio has won the 49th seat.

FAST candidates have unseated five ministers in the HRPP Government of Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi.

Justice Minister,  Faaolasau Katopau Ainuu, Finance Minister Sili Epa Tuioti, Minister of Agriculture Lopaoo Natanielu Mua, Minister of Communications Afamasaga Rico Tupa’i and Minister of Revenue Ti’alavea Tionisio Hunt.

Two of the FAST members elected today are women . Matamua Vasati Pulufana ousted Finance Minister  Sili in Faasaleleaga #1 and Mulipola Anarosa Molioo unseated the HRPP MP Afoa Faleulu Mauli  in Palauli 1. FAST leader Fiame Naomi Mataafa was elected unopposed.

The only HRPP female parliamentarian who was re-elected today was Faimalotoa Kika Stowers, Minister of Health.

All results are preliminary.