Prodieus Fuga Lutu accepted to US Merchant Mariné Academy


Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata, proudly announces that Prodieus Lutu-Fuga has been accepted for admittance to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

This is the Congresswoman’s first nominee to the Merchant Marine Academy to gain an acceptance. Additionally, Prodieus has been accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, which does not use the congressional nominating process, but has the same high admittance standards as the other Service Academies.

“Congratulations to Prodieus Lutu-Fuga! And I’m so happy to announce another well-deserved Service Academy acceptance in this class,” said Congresswoman Uifaatali. “Prodieus now has a fully qualified appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy in King’s Point, New York.

“He also has been accepted by the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, giving him great opportunities to consider. It is wonderful to see all his hard work earn these excellent outcomes for him.”

“A special thank you and congratulations to his mother, Kimberly Lutu-Fuiava,” Congresswoman Amata continued. “We want to also recognize the educators at Samoana High School and everyone else involved in his life over the years.”

Prodieus Lutu-Fuga’s acceptance required he maintained exceptional academic scores throughout high school. The Service Academies also consider test scores and other factors, both academic and extracurricular. These students must demonstrate activities, volunteering or other roles, particularly showing leadership and motivation.