MOU signing concludes Atoa o Samoa meeting


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed yesterday between American Samoa and Samoa at the conclusion of the three-day Atoa o Samoa talks.

Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga and Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa told the media afterwards, that the outcomes of the discussions will be made available to the public soon.

A report on KVZK-TV said, the goal of the memorandum is to reinforce cooperation between the two Samoa.

This would foster the common objective to promote economic development and cooperation to obtain fuller opportunities for social progress.

Only KVZK-TV and the Samoa Government Press Secretariat were allowed to attend the meetings and all private media were banned.

The meeting between the two Samoas focused on various areas such as education, health, infrastructures, trade, employment opportunities and improving collaboration, in terms of developments, for the two countries.

Agriculture was also high on the topics of discussion and KVZK-TV reports that the Department of Agriculture has reached an agreement with their counterparts to import Samoa meat products into the territory.

This agreement would allow entry of meat products from Samoa to the territory, and entry of meat products from the territory to Samoa, provided all requirements and processes for both countries are met.

The United States Department of Agriculture had banned all meat products from Samoa, citing that Samoa lacked a USDA inspected and approved abattoir and meat processing facility. Before the ban, residents were able to import whole pigs, (sometimes live) sausages, fresh meat and other meat from Samoa mainly for private consumption and faalavelave.

Governor Lemanu delivered the closing remarks to conclude the discussions, now called Atoa o Samoa Executive Meeting, thanking members from the two sides for their input and contribution — to what he described as a very fruitful and successful meeting.

Traditional presentations were made by the hosts followed by a cocktail party where local businesses were invited.

KHJ News was informed that the American Samoa delegation again presented monetary gifts yesterday to the hosts and paid visits to the Head State, Tuimalealiifano Vaaleto’a, former HOS Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi, and former Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele; and gave them monetary gifts too.

Photo: Government of Samoa