Fiji nurses welcomed by LBJ management


Another group of nurses from Fiji who will be working at the LBJ Hospital arrived Wednesday, bringing the number of nurse recruits from Fiji up to 20.

They are hired under a pilot scheme designed to help alleviate the acute nurse shortage which has plagued the hospital for years.

The nurses who have 6-15 years of experience and armed with Bachelor of Science degrees in nursing, were welcomed by CEO Moefaauo Bill Emmsley, Chief of Nursing Simamao Tuatoo, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Akapusi Ledua and other key staffers at a gathering at Sadie Thompson Inn, yesterday afternoon.

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LBJ CEO Moefaauo.

Chief of Nursing, Simamao Tuatoo, acknowledged that the nurses left children and families behind to help the hospital.

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Dr. Ledua impressed upon the nurses that this is a golden opportunity with mutual benefits for the territory and also for the recruits.

The nurses are attending classes at the ASCC Nursing program and will sit the NCLEX exam in June. If they pass, they will be given 3 year contracts.