An official announcement will be made April 6 by Candidate for Governor Pula Nikolao Pula, but it’s already publicly known that his running mate is High Chief Pulu Ae Ae Jr. of Pago Pago.
Pulu, currently the director of the Field Office for Congresswoman Uifaatali Amata, told a general meeting of supporters last night he is ready to serve.
The US Army veteran said he has decided to be the Lt. Governor partner for Pula because so many people have expressed their concerns about the current state of the territory and government.
In his usual jovial manner, he said even though his current salary is higher than that of the Lt. Governor, he is doing this out of love for the people.
Pulu said he is saddened by what is going on in the government, but didn’t give any specifics. He said, “We not only hear, but we see what’s happening.”
He urged for people to be patient and to pray for help from God to set things right.
Pulu told the meeting that being older than Candidate for Governor Pula, his role is to advise Pula; and he feels that his advice would be respected because as the Bible says, “Children should obey their parents.”
He said with previous governors and Lt. governors, the governors were always older and the two didn’t always work together.
But with him being Pula’s senior, theirs will be a different partnership.
Pulu said the official announcement of the Lt. Governor candidate and the campaign committee chair will be made at the camp’s kick off on April 6. Pula is currently off-island attending a family funeral.
About 200 people attended the meeting conducted by Taua Niualama Taifane and discussed the pillars of the Pula and Pulu Hope Campaign 2024 focusing on Honest Governance, providing Quality heath care, exceptional education and expansion of economic growth.
A general outline of the campaign was also presented with Taua announcing that they will do community service during their visits to districts and villages.
Three people in attendance urged that the campaign speak loudly and boldly about the drug problem, because it continues to escalate with no real effort to address it.