US House passes FY2025 Interior Spending Bill


The US House has passed its version of the FY’25 Interior spending bill with continued strong funding for American Samoa. KHJ News Washington DC correspondent Matt Kaye reports…

The House Interior funding bill passed on a party-line 210 to 201 vote with more than $118 million in aid for the territories, including American Samoa.

Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata…

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…not a small sum, Amata says—

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…and Amata feels is likely to be sustained in the pending Senate Interior bill, after talking with Senate GOP lead on Interior spending Lisa Murkowski during a joint House-Senate session…

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But House Speaker Mike Johnson cut short the House Session, calling an early August recess…

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…one more in a years’ long trend of stopgap funding bills to keep the government open.

But Uifa’atali Amata is still hopeful that the bills already passed—if Interior gets out of the Senate—could be rolled into an omnibus package with others, and enacted in the fall.