The Senate chamber was cleared and media was told to leave during the Tuesday session, while senators heard an explanation from Senate Counsel Mitzie Jessop Taase on why she advised that a hearing with LBJ Hospital officials on the removal of former CEO Dr. Akapusi Ledua and former Chief Operations Officer Dr. Jean Anderson, should not take place.
The purpose of the hearing was to hear the reasons why Dr. Ledua and Dr. Anderson were removed by the Board. It’s understood that Dr. Ledua and Dr. Anderson were sent subpoenas for the hearing.
But Tuesday morning, the chairman of the Senate Health Committee, Sen. Tuiasina Laumoli announced that based on the advice of the Senate attorney, the hearing set for Wednesday has been cancelled.
Senator Alo Dr. Paul Stevenson asked for an explanation as to why the hearing will not be held, pointing out that too many things are happening at the hospital and the public is asking questions.
Senate President Tuaolo Manaia Fruean explained that there may be violations of the law involved and there should be some protection for those affected as there may be subsequent legal action and statements made before the Senate may affect litigation.
He said if those who have been removed feel their rights have been violated, they can sue the hospital board and pertinent information would be revealed.
Senator Togiola Tulafono said his concern was that when the Senate discussed the spending of the $36 million that had not been approved by the Fono, there were no holds barred and statements were made against specific directors.
He said the Senate decided to continue hearings on the matter and questioned witnesses with specific names mentioned of having violated the law. “Why are we treating the hospital matter differently?” he asked.
Togiola said the outcome of the Senate hearings on the $36 million was a resolution to appoint an independent prosecutor to conduct an investigation. He felt the Senate should not stop a hearing which can provide information on what’s happening in the government, and there’s no need to hide such information.
He added they should not stop from looking into the cause of events at the hospital, on the basis that it involves violations of the law or criminal activity.
Senate President Tuaolo Manaia Fruean then called a brief recess while Senate attorney Mitzie Jessop Taase was called in to explain the basis for her advice not to hold the hearing with LBJ officials.
The attorney had just started speaking, when Sen. Magalei suggested that the media be asked to leave because information about their discussion would go out, but they haven’t made a decision about Wednesday’s hearing.
Senator Alo said it seemed like the Senate was moving backwards. He said the events at the hospital are out in the open and there was nothing to hide.
The Senate President then cleared the chamber of everyone including Senate recording staff, secretaries and pages, and the media.
When the session resumed after about 20 minutes, Tuaolo announced that the hearing with the hospital board and officials will be held at a later date but not Wednesday. The hearing has now been set for next Monday morning.
The witnesses will be the Chairman of the Board-Dr. Aifili John Tufa, Board member-Rep. Faimealelei Anthony Allen, Acting CEO-Dr. James Sunia, Chief Financial Officer-Sefa Kaumaitotoya, Human Resources Director-Stanley Iakopo, Dr. Ledua and Dr. Anderson.