During the Women’s Coalition of American Samoa’s, “Meet the Gubernatorial Forums,” Swains Representative Su’a Alexander Jennings asked two teams about the inaction on the proposed constitutional changes approved by voters in 2020.
He said it was now 20 months after the amendments were sent to the Department of Interior and the changes have not been submitted to Congress.
As listeners are aware, Congresswoman Uifaatali Amata introduced legislation which would remove congressional review and approval of changes to the American Samoa Constitution and revert that power back to the Secretary of Interior.
The Swains faipule asked the teams of Pula & Pulu and Vaitautolu & Taufetee for their positions on this issue.
Candidate for Governor Pulaalii Nikolao Pula gave this reply…
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Vaitautolu Talia Iaulualo said the amendments have been approved by voters and the process should be followed—that is for the Department of Interior to submit the changes to Congress. He said he doesn’t understand why that hasn’t happened.
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Rep. Jennings also attended the forum with Lemanu and Laapui, but did not have a chance to ask a question.
Do we really need a new hospital or can we just improve what we have?
Replying to that question, candidate for Governor Lemanu Sialega Peleti Mauga said yes we need a new hospital.
He said most veterans, and elderly citizens cannot be treated at the LBJ Hospital. The new hospital will offer specialized care that are not available at the LBJ, he explained. He added that the requirements of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for hospitals are different from the requirements for the VA, and the only services that veterans can use at the LBJ Hospital are x-rays and dental care.
He explained that elderly patients who have to seek medical treatment off island would usually have to take caregivers with them, which adds to costly airfares, and then hotel accommodations for those who do not have families in Hawaii or the mainland.
“They spend days in their hotel rooms, being isolated, reminiscent of the days of COVID.”
Lemanu said the new hospital would eliminate the need for elderly mothers and fathers to be sent off island for medical treatment.
He added that a groundbreaking for the new hospital should take place before the end of the year.