Leone High School’s recently crowned Mr. Taumafai, Uaine Salave’a, and Ms. Taumafai, Atele Salave’a, alongside Student Government Association President Fuarosa Molesi, visited the 93KHJ radio studio to express gratitude for the immense support from local sponsors, businesses, and government agencies that made the Taumafai Pageant a resounding success.
In the interview, the student leaders recognized the critical role played by the community in enhancing the pageant’s impact. “The outpouring of love and generosity from the community – from volunteering time to financial contributions and services – truly brought our theme, ‘UNITY REIGNS,’ to life,” said Fuarosa Molesi, President of the Student Government Association. “Looking out into a crowd of familiar faces, including Representative Fiu Saelua from our village, filled us with pride and gratitude. It was incredible to see our community come together.”
Mr. Taumafai Uaine Salave’a and Ms. Taumafai Atele Salave’a echoed the sentiment, sharing how the support from attendees, donors, and volunteers enriched their experience on stage and added energy to the event. “The crowd’s cheers, the presence of our village representatives, and the commitment of each sponsor were a testament to the love and support we have from our community,” said Uaine Salave’a.
Acknowledgments went out to a long list of sponsors, including the offices of the Governor and Lt. Governor, Congresswoman Aumua Amata, numerous local businesses, government agencies, and community leaders. Among the many were the American Samoa Visitors Bureau, the Department of Homeland Security, CEO Chuck Leota of the American Samoa Telecommunications Authority, and representatives from local establishments such as KS Mart, McDonald’s American Samoa, Samoa Airways, and Michael’s.
The Taumafai Pageant, a significant event for Leone High School, stands as a collaborative achievement between students, faculty, and community partners. Principal Danielson and Vice Principals Kaisa and Josie were recognized for their dedication to the pageant’s success, alongside Leone High School’s staff.
The student leaders also announced future plans to maintain this connection with the community, including events like the Annual Turkey Run and potential volunteer and mentorship programs led by Mr. and Ms. Taumafai.
For additional information or community inquiries, please contact the Leone High School Student Government Association.