AG and Chief of Staff “decline invitation” to House hearing


Attorney General Gwen Tauiliili Langkilde and the Governor’s Chief of Staff Taito Aliitasi Afuola–Mauga were scheduled to appear before the House Government Operations Committee on Wednesday.

The Committee wanted to question the two officials about the Executive Advisors in the Governor’s Office including their pay, new hires, contract and political appointees and the salaries of career and contract employees of the Governor’s Office.

However the Attorney General wrote to Committee Chairman Rep Faimealelei Anthony Allen that she does not have personal knowledge of any of the information that the committee requested as the Attorney General’s Office “is not privy to this information.”

In addition, wrote the AG, the Governor who traveled on Monday requested that the Chief of Staff “attend to important matters” of the Governor’s Office and thus she asks that any requests await the Governor’s return.

“For these reasons we respectfully decline the invitation.”

The AG told the Committee Chairman that the list of requested information will be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources “who may prepare a report for consideration of the Committee.”