OFI Commissioner admits to releasing “confidential” document


The Senate confirmation hearing of Tuasivi John Marsh for another term as Commissioner of the Office of Financial Institutions did not go well.

Senator Togiola Tulafono became upset that Marsh had released a confidential document which he said was a private agreement that should never have been made public.

The document was not included in Marsh’s resume that was submitted to the FOno but Togiola had a copy and when it was shown to Marsh, he confirmed that he had submitted it to the Governor’s Office.

Togiola said that the agreement stipulated that the case is confidential and asked Marsh why he decided to release the document.

Marsh confirmed that the agreement was confidential. He said he decided to release it as it was only being sent to the Governor’s Office.

“What does that have to do with anything” Togiola asked, adding that the agreement was between the “bank” and Marsh’s Office.

Marsh said the case was over a year ago and this particular individual nearly caused a loss of an account with the Federal Reserve Bank. He said he wanted to show the efforts of OFI with this particular case.

Togiola said the release of the confidential agreement subjects the government to liability and he now questions Marsh’s ability to serve as OFI Director.

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After Marsh was excused everyone in the chamber was asked to leave while the Budget and Appropriations Committee which conducted the confirmation hearing, deliberated.

During the Senate session the confirmation of Marsh was not on the calendar and there was no mention of the discussion that took place.

KHJ News asked Committee Chairman Senator Utu Sila Poasa if the Senate is tabling Marsh’s confirmation and all he said was “we will wait until we return.” Friday is the last day of the First Regular Session of the 39th Legislature and the next session will be convened in July.