Meeting in Hawaii follows up on proposed PRIA Sanctuary


While attending FestPAC, the Director for Ocean Policy at the White House Council on Environmental Quality Miriam Goldstein met with ASG officials this week to continue discussions about the proposed National Marine Sanctuary in the Pacific Remote Island Area.

The director met with the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Loa Tuimavave Tauapa’i Laupola, and Deputy Chief Legal Counsel, Terry VanEaton at the ASG Office in Honolulu.

Director of the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources, and Rachel Sanford, Governor’s Legal Counsel, also participated remotely from American Samoa.

Director Goldstein said while she was in Hawaii for FestPAC, she wanted to reach out to continue discussions on the proposed National Marine Sanctuary in the Pacific Remote Island Area, which was the topic of a workshop in the territory last September.

That workshop delivered a strong message from American Samoa about the negative impacts on the fishing industry and the territory’s economy if there are more restrictions on commercial fishing if the proposed sanctuary is approved.

A press release from the Governor’s Office said this week’s meeting provided an opportunity for the parties to discuss ongoing and emerging ocean-related topics.

Chief of Staff Loa said, “It is always good to have a chance to meet and advocate for American Samoa with our federal partners. Issues at this level can often take a long time to resolve and we need to communicate throughout the process. Communication between the federal agencies and ASG can play a key role in reaching the best solution for all concerned.”

He added, “We appreciate Director Goldstein very much and her willingness to reach out and continue this conversation while we are all in Hawaii together celebrating our Pacific home.

“Advocating for American Samoa alongside our federal partners is crucial. These issues often take time to resolve, highlighting the importance of continuous communication. Director Goldstein’s outreach during our time in Hawaii is greatly appreciated.”