Vaitautolu: American Samoa needs new leaders


The Methodist Hall in Tafuna was packed to capacity Saturday for the official kick-off event for the gubernatorial team of Vaitautolu Faafetai Talia Iaulualo and Maefau Dr. Mary Lauagaia Taufetee.

More than 3,000 relatives, friends and supporters turned out to listen to the candidates and raise funds for their campaign to become the next Governor and Lt. Governor of American Samoa.

Talking Chief Maaelopa Bob Tuiasosopo was the master of ceremony for the event. Rev. Elder Iosefa Autele of the Faleasao CCCAS offered the invocation and spiritual encouragement for the candidates

Tofa Le’i Sonny Thompson, the chairman of the Vaitautolu Taufetee campaign committee, addressed the crowd before candidate for Lt. Governor Maefau Dr. Mary Taufetee gave remarks.








She said when she was first approached by Vaitautolu to be his running mate, she told him to ask someone else as she didn’t feel it was her calling. But, she said, a persistent voice kept whispering that she should reconsider.

Dr. Taufetee thanked Vaitautolu for picking her as his partner and stated this was an opportunity to serve the people of American Samoa.

Addressing the crowd on Saturday, candidate for governor Vaitatutolu said the decision to run for office was not an easy one because he’s related to the other candidates who are running.

But, he said, having witnessed the abuse of power and blatant disregard of the law in the last 3/12 years, he decided that the territory needs better leaders.

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Vaitautolu brought up the awarding of government contracts without bidding and assigned funding sources, the spending of $36 million without Fono approval, and why a director has been allowed to commit government assets to develop a 400 acre cattle farm in a foreign country using federal grants.

He said that voters will be lured by ribbon cutting for projects from previous administration, but will be kept in the dark about mounting debts.

He promised that their administration will ensure that all government debts are paid and this will be done according to budgetary law.

Vaitautolu said they will immediately put a stop to building a new hospital, but will commit funds to upgrade the existing hospital and acquire more doctors, nurses, and needed medical personnel.

He and Dr. Taufetee believe that the Department of Education should be free from political influence and they promised to establish a Board of Education to oversee schools.

Another campaign promise is to secure a landsite for a veterans memorial graveyard and offer a tax credit for veterans who deposit their VA pensions in the local bank.

It was announced Saturday that more than $340,000 was raised and donations were still coming in from off-island and donors who couldn’t attend Saturday.