Local nonprofit awarded $135,000 for rape prevention


Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata welcomed notice of $135,000 in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the American Samoa Alliance Against Domestic and Sex Violence.

The grant is for health services in American Samoa through the program titled, “Rape Prevention and Education: Enhancing Capacity for Sexual Violence Prevention Across State and Territory Sexual Assault Coalitions.” The project grant application is Enhancing Capacity in American Samoa for Rape Prevention Through a Cultural Approach.

“Thank you especially to Fuatino Jennifer Tofaeono for her dedicated work on this grant and her ongoing leadership of the American Samoa Alliance’s efforts,” said Aumua Amata. “Through these efforts, this federal support will bolster our community’s work for prevention and assistance to survivors, building a safer environment for everyone in American Samoa.”

The purpose of the program is to prevent sexual violence and victimization by increasing protective factors and decreasing risk factors through a public health approach that implements comprehensive strategies.

This new discretionary grant is through the HHS National Center for Injury Prevention & Control, an office of the CDC. The goal of the grant program nationally is for communities to employ more techniques and initiatives aimed at preventing sexual violence.