Gubernatorial Forum: Achievements, finances and drugs


The gubernatorial team of Lemanu and Laapui was asked during the Women’s Coalition of American Samoa’s, “Meet the Gubernatorial Candidates Forum,” if they feel they have accomplished the goals they set four years ago and how they would rate their performance.

Candidate for Lt. Governor Laapui Talauega Eleasalo Ale said that for almost three years they were sidetracked dealing with COVID, repatriating hundreds of people, some of whom did not have homes to stay in Hawaii and the mainland “and that was quite a feat.”

He said they were able to accomplish some major goals and mentioned improvement of infrastructure: roads and seawalls, giving government employees their first pay raise in 20 or more years, conducting a review of the Constitution, publishing an up to date Administrative Code which had not been revised or published for 30 years, setting up a Resilience Commission to look at climate change and setting up a substance abuse commission to deal with the drug epidemic. He said there’s still extensive work left to do in this area but they have a plan in place that’s ready for full execution moving forward.

Laapui also mentioned revitalizing community icons like the Mosooi Festival where the government partnered with the private sector, and also the revival of the Samoa Bowl.

He said there’s a lot more work that he and Lemanu want to complete.

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The team of Vaitautolu & Taufetee was asked why people should vote for them.

Vaitautolu Talia Iaulualo said he and running mate, Maefau Dr. Mary Lauagaia Taufetee have the experience and background to manage government finances and see to it that resources are properly used. Something they don’t see happening with the current administration.

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Candidate for Governor Pulaalii Nikolao Pula and running mate Pulu Ae Ae Jr. outlined their plan to deal with the drug problem.

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