Aunu’u Island celebrates new school building and gym


It was a day of celebration for Aunu’u Island last Thursday when a new classroom building and gymnasium for the AP Lutali Elementary School were dedicated.

2E Corporation, owned by Maaelopa Bob Tuiasosopo, was the contractor for the two buildings and the total cost of the projects was $2.6 million.

Reverend Samuelu Tuilaepa of the Aunu’u CCCAS, who delivered the invocation, emphasized the importance of hard work saying, “Jesus came to this world to work; He did not waste time talking but worked so that we might have eternal life.”

In his remarks, Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga acknowledged the contributions of former Governor A.P. Lutali, who was from Aunu’u, and quoted him: “It’s not just words that count, but actions.” The Governor said, “May these buildings serve as a place where our children receive education and care, paving the way for future leaders from Aunu’u.”

Ma’aelopa Tuiasosopo, owner of 2E Corporation, spoke about several challenges they faced during the construction, including transporting materials from Tutuila.

“Despite these challenges, the credit goes to God, as the projects have been completed thanks to His grace, guidance, and protection,” said Ma’aelopa. He also expressed his gratitude to the government for entrusting their company with the new buildings and extended a special thanks to the people of Aunu’u for their hospitality.

High Chief Fonoti Uluiva Simanu, spoke on behalf of Aunu’u to thank the government for the new school facilities.