Congresswoman visits NPS wildfire crew in California


The team of firefighters from the National Park of American Samoa battling wildfires in California got a visit from Congresswoman Uifa’atali Amata over the weekend.

The congresswoman gave remarks in Samoan, observed a briefing and joined the team for a meal, and the firefighters took time for a prayer and a hymn.

Uifaatali said in her remarks that America Samoa has sent firefighters to California many times, sometimes not this big of a group, and always with little fanfare, not expecting publicity.

“Following the group in 2017 though, I had the special opportunity to thank our firefighters in a congressional hearing on the wildfires at the time, and it was a joy to let that audience and Members of Congress know our people were serving bravely,” she said.

“When the fire bell rings, our brave men and women respond. I know the firefighting community is a close-knit group extending throughout this great country all the way to our islands in the South Pacific.”

Uifaatali said, “Today, I just wanted to thank you in person, on behalf of I’m sure absolutely everyone in American Samoa — we are so proud of you. We’re praying for you to get the job done well, and come home safely.”

The Congresswoman listed in her press release members of the National Park of American Samoa Wildland Fire Crew: Vaki Pentateuch, Ronald Ameperosa, Emmittwally Sua Kalio, Ramsey Malae, Anderson Pa, Panini Seafa, David Mageo and Iven Holi.

Those working together with the local firefighter in California, Samoa 61: (Hawaii) Andrew Lee, Kevin Pitino, Paul Jordan Clagett, Jonah Palacay, Reese Ventura, Kiel Sagle-Zenor; and (Maui) Mark Rippke, Kristian Pazzaro, Joshua Lewis, and William Akima III.

The Congresswoman also acknowledged the assistance of Mr. Pua Tuaua, Jr., Samoan Community and Cultural Affairs Coordinator; NPAS Superintendent Scott Burch; and Mr. Greg Funderburk, Fire Management Officer in Hawaii Volcano who included NPAS in the program.