Senate measure calls for payment of tax refunds & debts


A resolution that has been introduced in the Senate requests that the Governor direct the Treasurer to pay all outstanding tax refunds and pay all ASG debts to private vendors before the end of the current fiscal year.

The resolution, introduced by Sen. Malaepule Saite Moliga says nine months into 2024 only those who filed their taxes between January 1 and February 29 have received their tax refunds. “The extended waiting periods have become a significant concern for both the Senate and residents of American Samoa,” says the measure. “The withholding of taxpayer refunds is both alarming and unwarranted. This delay has severely impacted many individuals and their families who are relying on their tax refunds to support their financial obligations.”

In addition the Senate has received numerous complaints from the private sector of unpaid invoices.

“Timely payments ensure that vendors will continue to provide essential goods and services without interruption, which is vital for the smooth operation of government functions. Moreover prompt payments help stimulate the local economy by ensuring businesses have the necessary cash flow to pay their employees, invest in growth and contribute to the community.”

The resolution requests that Governor Lemanu direct the Treasurer to settle all outstanding tax refunds and pay outstanding debts to private vendors before the end of the current fiscal year.

Chairman of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, Sen. Utu Sila Poasa will lead a hearing on the resolution Tuesday.