ASG funding could be improved or stagnate again in a post-election lame duck Congress, but a top Senator says the appropriations process is “broken.” KHJ News Washington DC correspondent Matt Kaye reports…
It’s become the routine on Capitol Hill: Fights over spending levels and controversial policy riders, few—if any—agreements between opposing razor thin House and Senate majorities, and no new spending.
We asked Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell recently, if he expects another static stop-gap spending extension in the post-election lame duck session…
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…putting in limbo (M) millions in possible improvements American Samoa could reap if there were new bills.
Levels were set one or more years ago for ASG operations at $28 million, including $2 million for ASCC, $27.7 million for capital improvements and an 83-percent enhanced Medicaid match.
And the president requested for the first time last year, $4 million more toward replacing LBJ Hospital.
McConnell laments the breakdown in the process…
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But much will hinge on the outcome of next month’s election, whether either or both chambers’ majorities will flip, making it even more likely decisions will be put off again until a new Congress.
McConnell says there’s plenty of blame to go around…
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