Fofo Representative Fiu Johnny Saelua has raised concerns about the visa waiver agreement, recently signed between China and Samoa.
He said in the House, on Monday, because Samoa is so close to the territory, our leaders should be monitoring how this arrangement would impact American Samoa.
Fiu said our closest neighbor Samoa is having close relations with China and we must ensure our borders are safe. He said there should be discussions with our Congresswoman to ensure the territory is insulated from any spill over effects of the visa arrangement between Samoa and China.
Rep. Ape Mike Asifoa agreed with Fiu’s concerns. He drew attention to the special provisions in the immigration law, which allows foreign corporations to bring in workers from Asia, and said this should be strictly monitored.
He suggested a hearing with Immigration Officials in the near future to ascertain measures being taken to safeguard the territory from an influx of outsiders.