Man Found Dead on Yacht


Police are investigating the death of a yachtsman in his 60’s who was found dead onboard his boat on Monday.

The man who has been part of the local yachting community for two years was found dead in his bed and was bleeding from the nose.

Tomas Worldwind, a yacthie who knew the deceased, said police have been questioning the yachting community about the death and approached him yesterday afternoon.

Worldwind told KHJ News this morning his last encounter with the deceased was on New Year’s eve.

Strong winds pushed the man’s boat near rocks and Worldwind and another yachtie assisted him in tying down his boat.

Before that incident Worldwind said the British citizen attended a pizza party for the yachting community on Christmas eve. And he was in good health.

Worldwind described the dead man as a quiet gentlemen, and had been living on the yacht with a female companion but she left the island several months ago. As far as Worldwind knew, the man was living on his yacht alone.

Worlwind said that police investigators are planning an autopsy of the deceased to determine the cause of his death.

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