American Samoa opens Transnational Crime Unit


American Samoa has opened its Transnational Crime Network Center which will hook up with the Pacific Transnational Crime Network, an intelligence sharing information network of law enforcement agencies in the Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

American Samoa joined the network, now headquartered in Samoa , last year at the invitation of Samoa’s Police Commissioner Fuiavailili Egon Keil.

The Australian Government provided funding for the local center which is housed on the ground floor of the Department of Public Safety in Fagatogo.

Lt. Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga, representing Governor Lolo Moliga and the government , cut the ribbon to officially open the office, while Commissioner of Pubic Safety Le’i Sonny Thompson, Samoa Police Commissioner Fuiavailili and Phil Eagles of the Australian Federal Police looked on.

Director of Homeland Security Samana Semo Ve’ave’a was also present.

The Samoa Police Commissioner says 16 countries are members of the Pacific Transnational Crime Network and he was happy to welcome American Samoa on board.

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A week long training of local police officers in transnational crimes also got underway this morning at the Goat Island Café conference room.

Senior officers from various sections of DPS are attending the training which is conducted by Australian Federal Police affiliated with the Transnational Crime network

Lt Governor Lemanu spoke at the opening of the workshop.

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