The sudden rains, windy weather and the flowering of the mosooi tree are telltale signs that a favorite sea delicacy, the palolo, is about to appear.
Although it may vary, the palolo rising usually occurs round the third quarter moon in October and or November or seven days after the full moon.
The Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources predicts that the palolo rise will take place around October 12 and November 11.
The sea worm usually backs up from their burrows and release their reproductive segments, epitoke.
The epitoke is what is actually referred to as palolo.
It swims upwards as it is attracted to light through its own sensor.
DMWR advises that people go out to the reef two to three nights before peak harvest dates which are October 12 and November 11th to check for early signs of palolo spawning.
Favorite palolo hunting spots include Alega, Laulii, Fatu ma Futi, the airport and near Avau.
Almost always, the ones who go out on boats to await the rise of the palolo, are richly rewarded.
DMWR is conducting surveys and interview on weight of catch per person to track annual trends in the amount of palolo releases.
Please call Maria Vaofanua at 633-4456 to report any sightings of Palolo.